• 20 мая 2014, вторник
  • Москва, НИУ ВШЭ, ул. Шаболовская, д.26, ауд. К-10

"How To Become President/CEO: The Voice and Vision of Leadership" by Sam Potolicchio

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3637 дней назад
20 мая 2014 c 20:00 до 22:00
НИУ ВШЭ, ул. Шаболовская, д.26, ауд. К-10

Practical training course "How To Become President/CEO: The Voice and Vision of Leadership". Sam will work individually with each participant.

Practical Individual training:
"How to become president/CEO: The Voice and Vision of Leadership"

What skills will you need to become an effective communicator in an increasingly global world? How can you prepare for global leadership opportunities and stand out from the competition? This interactive session, designed for high-level national political leaders and CEO’s, will focus on improving the 6 essential assets that are required for a volatile, uncertain, ambiguous and complex world. The lecture will feature critical thinking tests. real-time analysis of speeches and events, and secret tips to make yourself more confident and charismatic.
Participants will take short course from internationally recognized faculty and participate in a range of leadership simulations. Specifically, participants will learn how to communicate effectively, think both critically and creatively with a particular emphasis on how to advance the global public good.

Individual lectures will include the both academic and practical explorations of 
Effective Negotiation
Charisma and Public Speaking
Strategic and Creative Thinking
Persuasive Presentations
Motivation and Delegation


Info about Sam:

Sam Potolicchio is the Distinguished Professor and Department Chair of Global Leadership Studies at the Russian Presidential Academy, the largest university in Europe and is President of the Preparing Global Leaders Foundation, an international leadership training program with campuses in Russia, Macedonia, Jordan and the United States. Dr. Potolicchio is the Visiting Senior Lecturer at the Lugar Academy at the University of Indianapolis and a Visiting Professor at Georgetown and New York University.  


Potolicchio is also the academic director for Georgetown’s Global Visiting Student Program and is a founding faculty member of programs in Serbia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Hungary. He advises top political officials, business leaders, and governments in more than 20 countries including CEO’s, members of parliament, and high-ranking appointed officials in the Middle East, the Balkans, and Eastern Europe. 


Potolicchio was named by the Princeton Review as one of the “Best Professors in America” in 2012, the only one chosen from his field. He has won numerous teaching awards at Georgetown and the K. Patricia Cross Award from the American Association of Colleges and Universities as one of the future leaders of American higher education in 2011. 


He is the official lecturer on American Federalism for the Open World Leadership program at the Library of Congress, where he speaks weekly to visiting dignitaries from the post-Soviet republics. Potolicchio’s book chapters on Religion and Politics have been published in volumes by Congressional Quarterly Press and Oxford University Press. He has delivered keynote lectures internationally at over 100 different universities in 30 countries including Oxford, Cambridge and Bologna. 

Entrance: 5K RUB (
Pre-order: 4K RUB) . After you register, we will send you a PayPal request.


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